Thug life… #thuglife #criminal #bandit #highlife #highdog #funny #joint #cannabis #killer #doglife #dog #doggytreats #weed #criminality #police #policedog #justice #dogfriendly #happy #happydog | Cannabis Barcelona 18th September 201518th September 2015 victor Instagram Thug life SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
Let’s smoke a joint together… #hot #sexy #sexymarijuana #hotchick #cannabis #420 #instaweed #instagram420 #weedstagram420 #weedstagram #weed #marijuana #pornpic #hotpic #erotic #bong #smokingtools | Cannabis Barcelona 17th September 201517th September 2015 victor Instagram Let’s smoke a joint together #420 SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
#legal #illegal #makeupyourmind #legalize #endprohibition #ipad #smokeweed #openyourmind #openyoureyes #happy #teddybear #marijuana #cannabis #coffeeshop #cannabisclub #cannabisassociation | Cannabis Barcelona 15th September 201516th September 2015 victor Instagram legal illegal makeupyourmind legalize endprohibition ipad smokeweed openyourmind openyoureyes happy teddybear marijuana cannabis coffeeshop cannabisclub cannabisassociation SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
Even mice know… #mouse #mouseinhouse #mouseinthehouse ##weed #smokeweedeveryday ##justforlaughs #workhard #cannabis #marijuana #endgame #cannabiaclub #coffeeshop #barcelona #barca #bcn #smile | Cannabis Barcelona 13th September 201513th September 2015 victor Instagram Even mice know SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
This is how to end the war… #endwars #stopwars #cannabis #fact #worldtruth #endprohibition #peace #makepeace #marijuanalovers #stonerdays #stoners #anonymous #goldenage #hemp #hempfield #nature #greenfuture #oil #petrol #fossilfuels #greenlife | Cannabis Barcelona 12th September 201512th September 2015 victor Instagram This is how to end the war SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
My way… #ibiza #barcelona #bigbud #cojollo #pornbud #havefun #cannabis #cannabisclub #cannabisassociation #coffeeshop #harvest #harvesttime #cosecha #420 #weed #growyourown #homegrown #stoners #stonerdays #stonerselite #marijuana #criticalwidow #criticalwidowauto #autoflowering | Cannabis Barcelona 9th September 20159th September 2015 victor Instagram My way #420 SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
Last photo before harvest Critical Widow Auto #superbud #bigbud #heavybud #heavystuff #pornbud #compactbud #hardbuds #extrabud #cogollo #exterior #cosecha #harvest #marijuana #weed #cannabis #420 #autoflowering #criticalwidow #criticalwidowauto #outdoorseason #homegrown #growyourown #medicine #medicalmarijuana #thcsuperior | Cannabis Barcelona 5th September 20155th September 2015 victor Instagram Last photo before harvest Critical Widow Auto #420 SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
Will share a “little” secret with you #trickinthebook #bigbud #nutrition #nutrients #flowering #growyourown #growyourownmedicine #exterior #outdoorseason #outdoor #marijuana #weed #cannabis | Cannabis Barcelona 4th September 20154th September 2015 victor Instagram Will share a “little” secret with you SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
Did you know? #fact #world #truth #wakeupworld #cannabis #cannabisculture #industrial #hemp #weed #marijuana #ganja #savetheplanet #savetheworld #loveweed #lovenature #ecofriendly #smile #behappy | Cannabis Barcelona 2nd September 20152nd September 2015 victor Instagram Did you know? SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading
Cats have 9 lifes #cats #kitten #dabs #hurry #cannabis #cannabisusers #weed #instaweed #instagram420 #weedsta #weedstagram420 #medical #marijuana #medicine #cbd #cbdoil #cbdrich #bho | Cannabis Barcelona 30th August 201530th August 2015 victor Instagram Cats have 9 lifes SHARE THIS:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Continue reading